Today 7/6/2017 a landmark case has been won by Twerwaneho Listeners’ Club and the people Kabarole December 8, 2017 Today 7/6/2017 a landmark case has been won by Twerwaneho Listeners’ Club and the people Kabarole
TLC Launches report on the child labour at in supply chain LARFARGHOLCIM(Hima Cemen) in uganda December 8, 2017 TLC Launches report on the child labour at in supply chain LARFARGHOLCIM(Hima Cemen) in uganda
Uganda Police Authority should Investigate extra-judicial killing of Human Right Defender December 8, 2017 A call to Uganda Government to investigate and prosecute all security officials involved in the extra judicial killing of Human Right Activist(HRD) Irumba Erasmus and his friend Kanyoro.